There are a few reasons why your active friends might show as inactive. Active friends: people who have engaged with your content. Note: FriendFilter scans YOUR POSTS on YOUR PAGE to find which friends engaged, not anyone else's posts or page.

⚠️ Reason 1: You have not ran your engagement scan so you see that all your friends are showing as inactive.

In that case, click "Sync engagement" to run the scan

⚠️ Reason 2: You feel a friend engages with you because they are friends and family. In that case, 

Add them to your 'Whitelist' to ensure that you do not accidentally unfriend them.

⚠️ Reason 3: The friend engaged with you past your set parameters. 

✅Edit your parameter settings If you're unsure of how to edit your parameters, click here to learn.

For more questions, visit our FAQ page. 

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