FriendFilter is a Chrome extension that uses your local browser and internet connection to scan Facebook friends and posts.


  1. Connect FriendFilter to your Facebook profile
  2. Sync your friend's list and Facebook posts
  3. Sort friends by engagements
  4. Whitelist family & friends
  5. Unfriend unengaged prospects

We encourage starting with a small number to test out your Facebook limits, then running weekly scans to keep data updated.


  1. FriendFilter does not automatically sync/ remove friends; you are required to run your own scans and remove friends.
  2. 'Active' or 'Whitelist' friends cannot be unfriended. Move them to 'Inactive' to unfriend them.
  3. After syncing, if you remove friends manually on Facebook, make sure to move them to 'Already Removed' on FriendFilter to keep data accurate.
  4. For general issues with app, try these troubleshooting techniques.

For specific questions, please browse our full FAQ page. 

Can’t find the answer? Contact support at