There may be a few reasons the unfriend button is grayed out or unavailable/ inactive on FriendFilter.

⚠️Reason #1: You have not selected any friends

    FriendFilter does not automatically select who to unfriend

✅ Solution: Select from your inactive list who to remove as friend.

⚠️Reason #2: You have reached your subscription limit

    On the free trial account, you can remove up to 10 friends for free.

    On the Basic or Pro account, you can remove up to 500 friends /week, or 100 friends /day (Learn why here)

✅ Solution: Upgrade your plan to the Basic or Pro account

⚠️Reason #3: You are looking at Active friends

    You can only remove friends in the Inactive list. You cannot remove any Active or Whitelist friends.

✅ Solution: Move the friend to Inactive friends before you want to remove them.

For more questions, visit our FAQ page. 

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