What are Facebook limits?

To prevent bots and spams, Facebook has set certain limits its users' activities, including:

  • Number of friend requests/removals in a given time
  • How many messages you're sending in a given time
  • Number of new posts in a given time
  • How long you've been scrolling a profile, how fast you're scrolling

What happens when I go over limit?

Exceeding these limits can temporarily lock your account for 24-48 hours ('soft block'), restricting actions like adding/removing friends or posting content. 

This a warning sign for the user to Slow Down.

How can I expand my limits?

Think of Facebook limits as your 'Facebook muscles'. When you're just starting out, your muscles are weak, and you might find you can't add more than 10 friends in a day. Then, the more friends you have, the more friends requests you're able to send. 

The more you use a certain feature, the more 'muscles' you gain. 

We recommend starting slowly and gradually increasing your removals to test your limits. 

  • Start with 20 removals/ days, increasing by 30% weekly.


What happens when my accounts gets soft blocked?

If you find that you're unable to access certain features (e.g., adding/removing friends, posting content) on Facebook, don't panic. These locks usually don't last more than 24 hours, and you'll be able to access those features again.

DO NOT repeatedly attempt the same action as this may extend your soft block. Rest your account for 24-48 hours before resuming activities. When you start again, reduce the number of tasks or spread them throughout the day. For example, if you can't send friend requests in groups, try sending them from posts instead.

Advanced Strategies

  • Develop Facebook muscles: Be an active participant by creating content, leaving comments, liking posts, and sending messages. Track what activities trigger blocks and adjust accordingly.
  • Messaging Tips: Avoid spammy, lengthy messages or including external links. Ensure shared resources are viewable within Facebook’s platform and ask recipients if they're interested before sending a link.
  • Profile Optimization: Ensure your profile looks appealing to increase the acceptance of friend requests.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently use Facebook without encountering blocks. If you need help, feel free to reach out to the FriendFilter team.

For more questions, visit our FAQ page. 

Can’t find the answer? Contact support at help@friendfilter.io